Class AgentSQ2Dunstackable<T extends AgentGrid2D>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the extended Grid2unstackable class that the agents will live in Created by rafael on 11/18/16.
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AgentSQ2Dunstackable<T extends AgentGrid2D>
    extends Agent2DBase<T>
    extend the AgentSQ2Dunstackable class if you want agents that exist on a 2D discrete lattice without the possibility of stacking multiple agents on the same typeGrid square
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class HAL.GridsAndAgents.AgentBase

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int Age()
      returns the age of the agent, in ticks.
      void Dispose()
      Deletes the agent
      void GetAllOnSquare​(java.util.ArrayList<AgentBaseSpatial> putHere)  
      int Isq()
      Gets the index of the square that the agent occupies
      void MoveSafeSQ​(int newX, int newY)
      Similar to the move functions, only it will automatically either apply wraparound, or prevent moving along a partiular axis if movement would cause the agent to go out of bounds.
      void MoveSQ​(int i)
      Moves the agent to the square with the specified index
      void MoveSQ​(int x, int y)
      Moves the agent to the square at the specified coordinates
      void SwapPosition​(AgentSQ2Dunstackable<T> other)
      swaps the positions of two agents.
      double Xpt()
      Gets the xDim coordinate agent
      int Xsq()
      Gets the xDim coordinate of the square that the agent occupies
      double Ypt()
      Gets the yDim coordinate agent
      int Ysq()
      Gets the yDim coordinate of the square that the agent occupies
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AgentSQ2Dunstackable

        public AgentSQ2Dunstackable()
    • Method Detail

      • MoveSQ

        public void MoveSQ​(int x,
                           int y)
        Moves the agent to the square at the specified coordinates
      • MoveSafeSQ

        public void MoveSafeSQ​(int newX,
                               int newY)
        Similar to the move functions, only it will automatically either apply wraparound, or prevent moving along a partiular axis if movement would cause the agent to go out of bounds.
      • Xsq

        public int Xsq()
        Gets the xDim coordinate of the square that the agent occupies
        Specified by:
        Xsq in class Agent2DBase<T extends AgentGrid2D>
      • Ysq

        public int Ysq()
        Gets the yDim coordinate of the square that the agent occupies
        Specified by:
        Ysq in class Agent2DBase<T extends AgentGrid2D>
      • GetAllOnSquare

        public void GetAllOnSquare​(java.util.ArrayList<AgentBaseSpatial> putHere)
      • Age

        public int Age()
        returns the age of the agent, in ticks. Be sure to use IncTick on the AgentGrid appropriately for this function to work.
        Specified by:
        Age in class AgentBase<T extends AgentGrid2D>
      • SwapPosition

        public void SwapPosition​(AgentSQ2Dunstackable<T> other)
        swaps the positions of two agents. useful for the AgentSQunstackable classes, which don't allow stacking of agents, making this maneuver otherwise impossible.