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EnsureFit(double, double) - Method in class HAL.Gui.UIPlot
Euler(Derivative, double[], double[], double, double) - Method in class HAL.Tools.ODESolver.ODESolver
runs 1 round of Euler integration, putting the result in the out array
Euler(Derivative, double[], double[], double, double, double) - Method in class HAL.Tools.ODESolver.ODESolver
runs Euler integration from t0 to tf in increments of dt
Euler(Derivative, double[], double, double) - Method in class HAL.Tools.ODESolver.ODESolver
runs 1 round of Euler integration, putting the result in the state array
Euler(Derivative, ArrayList<double[]>, ArrayList<Double>, double, double, int) - Method in class HAL.Tools.ODESolver.ODESolver
runs Euler integration from t0 to tf in increments of dt, puts the resulting states in the states array, and the resulting ts in the ts array
Eval(double) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.DoubleToDouble
Eval(double) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.Point1DBool
Eval(double[]) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.DoubleArrayToDouble
Eval(double, double) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.Point2DBool
Eval(double, double, double) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.Point3DBool
Eval(int) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.Coords1DBool
Eval(int) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.IndexBool
Eval(int) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.IntToBool
Eval(int) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.IntToInt
Eval(int, double) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.IntDoubleToVoid
Eval(int, int) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.Coords2DBool
Eval(int, int, int) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.Coords3DBool
Eval(int, int, int) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.IndexCoords2DBool
Eval(int, int, int) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.IndexCoords2DDouble
Eval(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.IndexCoords3DBool
EvalAgent(T) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.AgentToBool
EvalAgent(T) - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.AgentToDouble
Execute() - Method in interface HAL.Interfaces.VoidFunction
ExplicitDiffusion1ADI(int, double[], double, int, boolean, Coords1DDouble) - Static method in class HAL.Tools.Internal.ADIequations
ExplicitDiffusionX2ADI(int, int, double[], double, int, int, boolean, boolean, Coords2DDouble) - Static method in class HAL.Tools.Internal.ADIequations
ExplicitDiffusionXY3ADI(int, int, int, double[], double, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Coords3DDouble) - Static method in class HAL.Tools.Internal.ADIequations
ExplicitDiffusionXZ3ADI(int, int, int, double[], double, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Coords3DDouble) - Static method in class HAL.Tools.Internal.ADIequations
ExplicitDiffusionY2ADI(int, int, double[], double, int, int, boolean, boolean, Coords2DDouble) - Static method in class HAL.Tools.Internal.ADIequations
ExplicitDiffusionYZ3ADI(int, int, int, double[], double, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Coords3DDouble) - Static method in class HAL.Tools.Internal.ADIequations
ExponentialDist(double) - Method in class HAL.Rand
Samples and exponential distribution with the argument rate parameter equivalent to the timing of the next poisson event with the same rate parameter
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